Manufacturas Nylma

+34 93 736 31 60


Telephone or email

+34 93 736 31 60
Main office
Monday to friday: 9:00h - 18:00h

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Visit us

Our commercial network is present in the main markets worldwide.

For any questions about our commercial network or if you want to know more about our services in knitted fabrics, please contact our headquarters.

C/ Mura, 32
08227 Terrassa (Barcelona) Spain
(+34) 93 736 31 60
Oficina central

C/ Mura, 32
08227 Terrassa (Barcelona) 

(34) 93 736 31 60

Oficina central

C/ Mura, 32
08227 Terrassa (Barcelona) 

(34) 93 736 31 60

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